Moving Back to Washington from Utah

January 15, 2023
Last updated:
January 15, 2023

Video description

In October 2022 my family and I moved back home to Washington state from Utah after a few years away.

The story behind the video

What's it like moving from Utah to Washington? This video shows some of the realities of making such a large move.

For context, we'd been planning to move back to Washington state for months. Once my dad was able to transfer at work, my parents put the house up for sale. Now, we've all seen how the housing market seems to be collapsing a bit in 2022. However, the house got an offer in just 48 hours.

We were then under a lot of stress as we tried to find a place to live in Washington. In the process, numerous rentals and homes for sale didn't work because of HOAs prohibiting commercial vehicles. Eventually, we found a home that worked. This video is the story of my return to Washington state.